I’m passionate about helping you embody true self-care.

Meet Shannon

I’m so glad you’re here! It means you may be looking for options to support you on your healing path.

When I was most in need of options on my healing path, I turned to the very practices I offer and teach today.

From my twenties on, I had been diagnosed with a growing list of diseases, some life-threatening, and all in the mysterious “autoimmune” category. About the time the list was finally narrowed under the label of lupus, I was having frequent flares with excruciating pain from my hair roots to my toe tips. I could do some work or care for the dogs for a bit, but then I would crash into bed. Whatever I tried to do was like that—brief activity followed by a crash. My body systems were not functioning properly and I was in so much pain.

I had learned Reiki about 20 years before this and had helped people and animals with this modality for years. But I conveniently forgot the most basic Reiki teaching: self-treatment. I had accumulated thousands of hours of training and practice in varieties of touch therapies, vibrational medicine, herbal medicine, and energy healing (at which I seemed to be gifted). But I wasn’t working much with these modalities for myself.

Eden Energy Medicine

I signed up for a layperson course on using Eden Energy Medicine for autoimmune diseases. The practices were simple and based on the body’s meridians and energy systems. I felt supported by the compassion of the EEM instructors, who seemed to truly understand what it’s like to have a chronic, painful illness. I began using the most immediately helpful movement they taught and I committed to doing the Daily Energy Routine every day. I finally laid my hands on my own self!

Before long, I was spending whole days out of bed. New possibilities opened up for my life. I could not only enjoy a hike, but I was still okay afterward. I was able to travel for the first time in years. I changed my prior patterns into habits of taking care of myself with more consistency and love.

Having experienced its effectiveness in such a life-changing way, I dove into Eden Energy Medicine practitioner training. EEM is now the foundation of the energy work I offer to people and their dogs. My other modalities blend harmoniously with EEM to support those on a healing path.

These tools are fabulously useful in facilitating healing, on their own or as a complement to conventional medicine, depending on your individual challenge. I believe in these tools. I also believe that, regardless of the specific tools, my own healing was received and is maintained by my love and commitment to caring for myself.

I took a very long road to embodying true self-care.

If I can learn to apply the essential healing of love to myself, you can too!

Because guess who the healer really is?

That’s YOU!

How I support your healing journey.


I can tune in to the needs of your body’s energy systems and teach you how to tune in with discernment.


I can balance your body’s energy systems as your body allows and teach you how to balance your energy systems.


I create a compassionate healing space where you can begin to reclaim your naturally vibrant being.